Epigenetics offers hope for healing.

If you believe that anxiety or migraines run in your family, you’ll always suffer with them.

Even if your mother had anxiety and migraines and you’ve developed them too, that doesn’t mean it has to continue to be that way.

Have you heard about the science of epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviours and environment (both internal and external) can cause changes that affect the way your genes work by turning genes “on” and “off.”

This new understanding enables us to shift out of the victim mode, which would have us believe that our health is predetermined by our genes and family history, and become active participants in our well-being.

When we change our thoughts and emotions, which have the largest impact on our internal environment, we can impact our genetic expression or repression. 

Just because I grew up with anxious parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles doesn’t mean that I’m destined to be anxious and exhausted.

One could argue that my anxiety and insomnia is genetic but I’ve changed my experience by grounding myself, holding stronger boundaries, nurturing my inner-child, and strengthening my resilience both physically and emotionally.

You can unlearn the struggles that were passed down to you through modelling and genetics.

I’ve been amazed to see people undoing their ‘genetic biology’ and reclaiming a level of health and vitality that seemed outside their make up.

You have so much power to create the health and life you want to live.

My work is about teaching you the somatic tools you need to heal at this depth.

I know it’s possible. I’ve done it myself and have supported many others suffering from a broad range of conditions. 

Let’s talk more about your personal story and struggles so I can inspire you to believe that more is possible in your life.


My personal healing story revealed


The difference between fixing versus healing.