Work With Me

If you’re suffering from dis-ease, pain, or any life struggle, your body’s natural healing mechanisms are disrupted. There’s going to be a maze of contractions in your body-mind which can happen due to stress, trauma, or other emotional or psychological factors.

Let’s demystify your personal expression of contraction so that it makes sense to you. When you understand your challenges you’ll be able to meet yourself with compassion and acceptance. This process will help you reconnect with your body, release stored tension and trauma, and restore balance to your body-mind system.

How does the process work?

We use a somatic, body-based approach, to teach you how to release suppressed emotions and trauma from your body. Personalized guided meditations will expand your awareness so you can feel what’s in your way of coming back to balance.

You likely have some intellectual understanding of your dis-ease and may have even explored it through talk-based therapy. Somatic knowing involves an embodied or felt sense rather than a mental one. It is often nonverbal and intuitive and it guides you to the part of you that needs more presence right in the moment.

Imagine a situation that triggers anxiety or fear, and you become aware of tension or discomfort in your stomach. Most often, there’s an aspect of your psyche, your inner child, that’s holding past trauma and reacting disproportionately to the present stressor. When you know how to access and soothe your inner child in the moment that he/she is scared, your belly may relax and you’ll feel empowered that you were able to help yourself.

Being able to soothe yourself helps undo the knot of chronic tension, one strand at a time. With practice and repetition, you’ll experience more ease, more empowerment, and a new relationship with yourself.

The anxiety example is a simplification in order to illustrate one aspect of this work. My practice has focused on complex conditions where there’s a web of wounding that’s compounded into many chronic symptoms.

To heal, we must look forward with hope and faith in a new reality. In addition to inner child work, I will teach you how to use quantum meditation to create an energetic blueprint for the way you’d like to feel. These techniques go far beyond positive thinking or affirmations. You’ll learn how to design a new reality in meditation, and this conscious intention will reprogram your body-mind and influence your experience of reality. It sounds esoteric but I’m finding that with personalized guidance, even novice meditators can learn how to heal relatively quickly.

This work is offered through personalized healing mentorships and group programs.
Email to inquire or book a 20-minute complimentary chat.