Simple Self-Care Approaches For Busy Entrepreneurs

Written By: Eleanor Wyatt

Busy entrepreneurs often struggle with time management, both at work and at home. When you have so many responsibilities, it’s easy to let important tasks slip through the cracks, and that includes taking care of your mind and body. The good news is, many aspects of our mental health are connected to the physical, so by taking a holistic approach to wellness, you can conquer the issues that are leaving you tired, stressed, or unwell. Start making positive changes by looking for resources online, and creating a plan for taking control of your mental, spiritual, and physical health. Then, think about how you can easily work self-care methods into your busy days.

Take financial concerns off your mind

Stress can take a hearty toll on your mental and physical wellbeing, and for most entrepreneurs, work creates the largest amount of stressors. Look for grants that will help you cover the cost of operations and other expenses, making sure you do some research on the right ones for your needs. You’ll want to have a solid business plan worked out before applying, and search for grants that are specific to your industry; you might try the Canada Job Grant Program, the Business Retrofit Program, or CanExport. Take time writing out your application, as well, ensuring it’s complete with all the required information.

Set yourself up for success

When you have a lot going on at work, it can be difficult to focus on your body’s needs. Getting in some activity each day will help you sleep better, lower your blood pressure, and manage your weight as well as lower your risk of certain diseases, but if you have difficulty finding time to work out, you might consider setting up a budget-friendly home gym so you can exercise on your own time. You can also try dancing, get outside for a walk on your lunch break, or play outside with your pet. By giving yourself the tools you need and adding a fun element, you can stay motivated and active even when you’re busy.

Ask for help

Even with a plan for wellness, it can be hard to manage your physical and emotional needs on your own. Consider seeking help from a counselor, therapist, or trained healer who can assist you on your journey to a healthier life. Whether you’re coping with trauma, a physical ailment, or mental health issues, it’s important to recognize your needs and seek aid from those who are qualified.

Caring for your own needs is essential, especially when you have a lot on your plate. Create a plan that allows you to focus on yourself a little each day, and ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Remembering that your mental and physical health are connected will allow you to make much healthier choices.

If you have questions about the services offered by Alyssa Cohen, feel free to get in touch.


Photo via Pexels


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